Our company's foremost objective has been to offer complete customer satisfaction to all our customers. We are committed to delivering complete customer satisfaction, but we recognise there might be situations where we don't necessarily get it right.
If you are not satisfied with the customer service you have received at Steven Eagell Group we would rather you inform us. We will do everything we can to address the concerns you have, endeavouring to put it right and improving our customer service moving forward.
It is normally quicker for issues to be resolved at the dealership you purchased from or where your vehicle was last serviced or repaired. If your situation has not been addressed you can send a full complaint here. Our aim is to resolve any issues within 5 working days, although this may take longer.
In the event a financial services complaint cannot be settled between us you may refer to the Financial Ombudsman Service; this service is free to use. Their consumer helpline is available on 0845 080 1800 or you can visit their website at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk or email them at complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk; alternatively you can write to the Financial Ombudsman Service: South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR.
For non-financial services related disputes that cannot be resolved between us within a reasonable timescale, you may refer the dispute to the free independent Advisory and Conciliation Service operated by the Motor Ombudsman, the government-backed, self-regulatory body for the motor industry. For details of this service you can call their dedicated Code Advisory and Conciliation Service Consumer Advice Line on 0843 910 9000, submit an enquiry or complaint via the website www.TheMotorOmbudsman.org or write to The Motor Ombudsman Ltd, 71 Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 2BN.